Western Asia

General matters
Country name Lebanon (Lebanon)
The capital Beirut
Population (person) 5,600,000 ('21 World Bank about 500,000 Palestinian refugees and 1.2 million Syrian refugees)
Area (km²) 10,452
Language Arabic, English, and French
Religious Islam (54%), Christianity (40.5%), Others (5%)
the form of government
The president-centered system (6 years, single-term system), but according to the Taif Convention, the president (Christian Maronists), the prime minister (Sunniists), and the speaker of the National Assembly (Siaists) have an average power point
a major figure
Mr. President: Vacant
Prime Minister: Najib Mikati (Mikati)-Islam (Sunni)
Speaker of the National Assembly: Nabih Berri (Very)-Islam (Sia faction)
Foreign Minister: Abdallah Bou Habib - Christianity
the composition of Parliament
Unit: 128 seats
23,100,000,000 (’21 World Bank)
GDP per capita ($)
4,136 (’21 World Bank)
Economic growth rate (%)
monetary unit
L£ (Lebanese Pound, US 1$=L£ 1,508)
Export amount ($) 4,300,000,000,000
Import amount ($) 19,500,000,000,000